

About Me

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I have been stamping and scrapbooking for the past 10 years. It is my favorite hobby and I sure do miss it when life gets way too busy. I have 3 amazing children, and a wonderful, supportive husband.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Somethings to Check out!!!

Good Morning Everyone, Happy Wednesday!!!! I hope everyone has had a GREAT week!! So sorry about the lack of posting, my step daughter is in from Europe and we have been super busy spending time with her and doing fun things... :) Also I am taking a trip to VA this Thursday to visit my family.....So I will be taking a bit of a blogging break until sometime next week :))) But before I go I wanted to share with you some important things happening today!!!

Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog Hop Click HERE to check it out!!!

Your Next Stamp Blog Hop Click HERE to check it out!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by today, I hope everyone has a GREAT Week!!!

Big Hugs


Patti J said...

Yay! Glad you are having a great time :) Did the RRR hop earlier this a.m. - will check out the YNS next! Thanks for the heads up! Have fun on your trip to VA. Take lots of photos to share with us when you get back!

Mel said...

Have fun with your step-daughter and have a grand time on your vacation.

seo greece said...

nice post here..well thinking of it..really nice of this..well enjoyed this one..thanks for sharing here with us..

Sabrina Jackson said...

Hey girl, have fun with your step- daughter and enjoy some time with your family! I will be right here when you get back!! Hugs my friend!! Sabrina

Emily (stampingout on SCS) said...

Enjoy time with your family, Crystal!

Carin McDonough said...

Enjoy your trip and spending time with your family Crystal! :)

Joan Ervin said...

Hey sweet girl...have fun with your family and be safe!!!!

Mary J said...

Of course I miss your creations but family far more important!

Off to do those hops!!

Rachel G said...

Have a great vacation!